Medical Internships in Victoria
The most pressing issue for Victorian medical students today is the availability of a quality internship place upon graduation.
We have seen the number of medical graduates from Victorian medical schools increase to exceed the number of available internship positions in Victorian health services. MSCV has been working hard to advocate to the State Government and other relevant bodies to ensure that all Victorian medical graduates are able to attain an internship in Victoria upon graduation, if desired.
Join our Facebook MSCV Intern Applicant Support Group below.
2023 Intern Match Resources
PMCV Intern Position Distribution (Hospitals)
PMCV 2023-2024 Health Service Directory
For more information on internship availability and application, the following resources are available. This list is not exhaustive and will be updated over time.
Resources for information on Victorian internships:
Postgraduate Medical Council of Victoria (PMCV)
Resources for information on interstate & NZ internships:
NSW Health Education and Training (HETI)
South Australian Medical Education & Training (SAMET)
Prevocational Medical Accreditation Queensland (PMAQ)
Postgraduate Medical Education Council of Tasmania (PMCT)
Northern Territory Prevocational Medical Assurance Service (NT PMAS)
Postgraduate Medical Council of Western Australia (PMCWA)
Medical Council of New Zealand Education Committee
State & Federal Government resources:
Health Workforce Australia is an initiative of the Council of Australian Governments (COAG). It was established to meet the future challenges of providing a health workforce that responds to the needs of the Australian Community.
The Medical Training Review Panel (MTRP) is a Government agency established to look at the demand for and supply of medical training opportunities. The MTRP annual reports are an excellent resource for data on medical student numbers; the most recent is the MET 2020 (5th Edition).